Omni Flow Computers Inc, USA

Omni Flow Computers Inc, USA

Omni Flow Computers Inc is the international technology leader in the design; development and manufacture of panel mount multi-run, multi-tasking liquid and gas flow computers, and field-mount, hazardous area controllers, RTUs for liquid and gas custody transfer metering systems.

Omni's flow computers provide the brain to any natural gas or hydrocarbon liquid metering system with the most accurate and functional custody transfer measurement devices available. In addition to bearing responsibility for the transfer system's fiscal integrity, Omni's flow computers integrate numerous measurement, control, sequencing, data logging, archiving and communication functions in a single stand-alone device.

Main features:

  • 32bit processor with math co-processor.
  • Modular multi-run design.
  • Photo-optical isolation of each I/O point.
  • Smart transmitter interface.
  • Online configuration.
  • Stored reports and data archiving.
  • Configurable displays and reports.
  • Software calibration.
  • Multiple RS232C, RS485C serial ports.
  • Serial interfaces with gas chromatographs, mass and ultrasonic flowmeters.
  • Implementation of all relevant standards, API, IP, ASA and ISO.